Computer System Overview python basic questions for class XI CBSE

Computer System Overview basic questions 

Computer organization refers to logical structure of a computer describing how its components are connected to one another; how they affect one another's functioning and contribute to overall performance of the computer.

Computers, as you must be knowing, follow the IPO principle ie, Input Process Output (a certain input is processed to generate specific output). So, the computer organization is also like this these are component(s) dedicated to obtain input in different forms, component(s) dedicated to perform processing part and component(s) to produce output in different forms. 

Check point

1. (i) Storage of 1 KB means following number of bytes: the

(a) 1000

(c) 1024

(b) 964

(d) 1064

(ii) One Megabyte is equivalent to (a) 210 bytes (b) 220 bytes (c) 230 bytes (d) none of the above

2. What are the functional components of a digital computer ?

3. What are the components of CPU ? What is its role? What is the function of control unit of CPU ?

4. What role does the input unit play in a computer?

5. What is the function of ALU ?

6. What role does the output unit play in a computer ?

7. What is the function of main memory? What are the measuring units of memory?

8. What are different types of ROM?

9. Name some fast storage devices.

10. Which storage device is considered a portable device?

If you any doubts, Please let me know

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