Dictionaries in Python | Dictionaries Functions and methods in python
Hi guys in this blog we are going to discuss about Dictionaries in Python
Python dictionaries are a collection of some key-value pairs. Dictionaries are mutable, unordered collections with elements in the form of a key : value pairs that associate keys to values.
Creating a Dictionary
To create a dictionary, you need to include the key: value pairs in curly braces as per following
<dictionary-name>= {<key>:<value>, <key>:<value>...}
Following is an example dictionary by the name teachers that stores the names of teachers as keys and the subjects being taught by them as values of respective keys.
teachers = { "Dimple" : "Computer Science", "Karen" "Sociology", "Harpreet":"Mathematics", "Sabah" "Legal Studies" }
- the curly brackets mark the beginning and end of the dictionary,
- each entry (Key: Value) consists of a pair separated by a colon - the key and corresponding
- value is given by writing colon () between them,
- the key-value pairs are separated by commas ().
- Internally, dictionaries are indexed (i.e., arranged) on the basis of keys.
Accessing Elements of a Dictionary
In dictionaries, the elements are accessed through the keys defined in the key:value pairs, as per
the syntax shown below:
<dictionary-name> [<key>]
Dictionaries Functions and methods in Python
- len()
- clear()
- get()
- items()
- keys()
- values ()
- update()