WAP to store students’ details like admission number, roll number, name and percentage in a dictionary and display information on the basis of admission number.
Source code :
record = dict ()
n= int (input ("How many records u want to enter: "))
Adm = input("Enter Admission number: ")
roll = input("Enter Roll Number: ")
name = input("Enter Name :")
perc = float(input("Enter Percentage : "))
t = (roll,name, perc)
record[Adm] = t
i = i + 1
Nkey = record.keys()
for i in Nkey:
print("\nAdmno- ", i, " :")
r = record[i]
print("Roll No\t", "Name\t", "Percentage\t")
for j in r:
print(j, end = "\t")