Class XII Computer Science 083 Important Data Structure stack Question and answer | Class 12 Term 2 important questions
Push (Adding the element to Stack)
Write a function to push an element into the stack.
def push(stk,e):
top = len(stk)-1
POP (Removing the element from the Stack)
Write a python function to delete an element from the stack.
def pop_stack(stk):
if stk==[]:
return "UnderFlow"
e = stk.pop()
if len(stk)==0:
top = None
top = len(stk)-1
return e
Display (Display the element from the Stack)
Write a function to display the stack elements.
def display(stk):
if stk==[]:
print("Stack is Empty")
top = len(stk)-1
for i in range(top-1,-1,-1):
Inspection (Inspect the element of the Stack)
Write a function to inspect an element from the stack.
def peek(stk):
if stk==[]:
return "UnderFlow"
top = len(stk)-1
return stk[top]
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