Five Secrets That Experts Of How To Delete Powerful Virus Using CMD (Dos Command) On Any Storage Device Easily in Windows 7, 8 ,10 -2019

How To Delete Powerful Virus Using CMD (Dos Command) On Any Storage Device Easily in Windows 7, 8 ,10 

Today i am going to show how to delete a powerful virus easily using CMD tips. In this tutorial you can learn this tips easily. Lets start with examples.
 In this concept we are going to use the simple command 'attrib' to remove virus from your computer or any external device.  
The 'attrib' command represents different attributes of a file, folder or a directory. This command is mainly responsible for displaying, setting and removing the different attributes like read-only, archive, system, and hidden attributes of a file or folder.

  1. A virus can be stay in the form of an  'Autoexe' or 'autorun'
  2. It can be an exe file 
  3. It is file with different attribute permissions

Different types of virus 

  • Autorun.inf
  • Ravmon.exe
  • New Folder.exe
  • svchost.exe
  • Heap41a

In this case we have to use attrib  functions like

-R -A -S -H *.* 

R – “Read-only” attribute of a file or folder. Read-only means the file cannot be written or executed.
H – “Hidden” attribute.
A – “Archiving” which prepares a file for archiving and,

S – This  attribute changes the selected files or folders into a system file from a user file by assigning the “System” attribute to that particular file.

The Syntax 'attrib' 
ATTRIB [+ attribute | - attribute] [pathname] [/S [/D]]

Different parameters are
'+ / –' : To ratify or to cancel the specified attribute.
'attribute' : As explained above
'/S' : Searching throughout the entire path including subfolders
'/D' :  Include any process folder
'pathname' : Path where the target file or folder is located.

Okay don't get confuse. See the step by step process to resolve the problem easily 

Step 1:

  1. Press windows button on your keyboard and type 'CMD' and run as Administrator.

Step 2: 

  1. Now i am going to remove the virus name as 'danger.inf' from my D: drive. 
  2. Type D: and enter (or C:, F:, as per your system)

Step 3:

  1. Now type attrib and press enter. 
  2. This command will list out all the files inside the current drive and you can clearly see the virus listed below

Step 4:

  1. Now we need to  remove Virus using CMD, type into your command prompt attrib -r -a -s -h *.*and press Enter. 
  2. This will remove the Read Only, Archive, System and hidden file attribute from all the files.
  3. To delete the virus, type del danger.inf and enter

In this above case

-r is for removing the read-only files
-a is for removing the archive file
-s is for removing the system file
-h is for removing the hidden file
*.* for all the files with all different types of file extensions

Step 5:

  1. After the above command all the virus has been deleted. 

So in this case we can delete any kind of virus using 'Attrib' command in simple method 
You can remove other viruses with extensions such as '.ink', '.exe', just type Del *.ink or Del *.exe respectively to delete those suspicious files.

I hope you are all learn this step easily, any kind for doubts you can mention below, and you may also check -SYSTEM TIPS

If you any doubts, Please let me know

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