seek() and tell() in python class 12 | difference between seek and tell in python with example in Python 2023

seek() and tell() in python 

Data file handling Within a file, we can get the current position of cursor and move the cursor. To do this python gives us two functions, tell()and seek().


  • tell() method
  • seek() method
  • Example Program 

tell() method

This function returns an integer that specifies the current position of the file object in the file. The position so specified is the byte position from the beginning of the file till the current position of the file object. 

The syntax of using tell() is: file_object.tell()

seek() and tell() in python class 12

seek() method

This method is used to position the file object at a particular position in a file. The syntax of seek() is: [, reference_point]) In the above syntax, offset is the number of bytes by which the file object is to be moved. reference point indicates the starting position of the file object. That is, with reference to which position, the offset has to be counted. It can have any of the following values:

  • 0 - beginning of the file
  • 1 - current position of the file
  • 2 - end of file 

By default, the value of reference_point is 0, i.e. the offset is counted from the beginning of the file. For example, the statement,0) will position the file object at 5th byte position from the beginning of the file. The code in Program 2-2 below demonstrates the usage of seek() and tell().

offset - Required parameter. Sets the cursor to the specified position and starts reading after that position. whence - Optional parameter. It is used to set the point of reference to start from which place.

  •  0 - Default. Sets the point of reference at the beginning of the file. Equivalent to os.SEEK_SET.
  •  1 - Sets the point of reference at the current position of the file. Equivalent to os.SEEK_CUR.
  •  2 - Sets the point of reference at the end of the file. Equivalent to os.SEEK_END.


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Application of seek() and tell()

print("Learning to move the file object")



print("Initially, the position of the file object is: ",fileobject.


print("Now the file object is at the beginning of the file:


print("We are moving to 10th byte position from the beginning of


print("The position of the file object is at", fileobject.tell())


Output of Program 2-2:


 RESTART: Path_to_file\

Learning to move the file object

roll_numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Initially, the position of the file object is: 33

Now the file object is at the beginning of the file: 0

We are moving to 10th byte position from the beginning of file

The position of the file object is at 10

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Example 2: 

fh = open ("text.txt", "r+")  

print ("Name of the file: ",  

line_1 = fh.readline()  

print ("Read Line: %s" % (line_1))  

  # Again, set the pointer to the beginning (0, 1)  

line_2 = fh.readline()  

print ("Read Line: %s" % (line_2))  

# Close opend file  


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