Binary File Handling in Python class 12 cbse | Binary File | dump() and load() | Pickling and un pickling 2023

Binary File Handling in Python class 12  

Topics Covered 

  •  Introduction to Files
  • Types of Files
  • Binary Files
  • Pickle Module
  • Method dump() & load() 
  • Sample Program

 Introduction to Files

Python that accept the input manipulate it and display the output. A file is a named location on a secondary storage media where data are permanently stored for later access.


Types of Files

There are two types of data files

  1.  text file
  2. binary file.

Text Files

A text file consists of human readable characters, which can be opened by any text editor.  they are stored in sequence of bytes consisting of 0s and 1s. In ASCII, UNICODE or any other encoding scheme

Binary Files

binary files are made up of non-human readable characters and symbols, which require specific programs to access its contents.

Binary files are also stored in terms of bytes (0s and 1s), but unlike text files, these bytes do not represent the ASCII values of characters.

Now we are going to discuss about Binary files

Pickle Module

Python considers everything as an object. So, all data types including list, tuple, dictionary, etc. are also considered as objects. Python provides a module called Pickle. The module Pickle is used for serializing and de-serializing any Python object structure. Pickling is a method of preserving food items by placing them in some solution, which increases the shelf life. The pickle module provides two methods - dump() and load() to work with binary files for pickling and unpickling, respectively.  

Serialization is the process of transforming data or an object in memory (RAM) to a stream of bytes called byte streams. These byte streams in a binary file can then be stored in a disk or in a database or sent through a network. Serialization process is also called pickling. De-serialization or unpickling is the inverse of pickling process where a byte stream is converted back to Python object.

The dump() method

This method is used to convert (pickling) Python objects for writing data in a binary file. The file in which data are to be dumped, needs to be opened in binary write mode (wb).

Syntax of dump() is as follows:

dump(data_object, file_object)


Pickling data in Python

import pickle

listvalues=[1,"Geetika",'F', 26]

fileobject=open("mybinary.dat", "wb")



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The load() method

This method is used to load (unpickling) data from a binary file. The file to be loaded is opened in binary read (rb) mode. Syntax of load() is as follows:

Store_object = load(file_object)

Unpickling data in Python

import pickle

print("The data that were stored in file are: ")





Program to create a binary file with some data

import pickle




while conf=="y":

    name=input("Enter Name:")

    age=int(input("Enter Age:"))

    Class=int(input("Enter the Class:"))






    conf=input("Do you want to cont.--Yes or No:")


To perform basic operations on a binary file using pickle module

# Program to write and read employee records in a binary file

import pickle




print ("Enter Records of Employees")


#taking data from user and dumping in the file as list object

while True:

 print("RECORD No.", recno)

 eno=int(input("\tEmployee number : "))

 ename=input("\tEmployee Name : ")

 ebasic=int(input("\tBasic Salary : "))

 allow=int(input("\tAllowances : "))


 print("\tTOTAL SALARY : ", totsal)



 ans=input("Do you wish to enter more records (y/n)? ")


 if ans.lower()=='n':

 print("Record entry OVER ")



# retrieving the size of file

print("Size of binary file (in bytes):",bfile.tell())


# Reading the employee records from the file using load() module

print("Now reading the employee records from the file")




with open("empfile.dat","rb") as bfile:

while True:


 print("Record Number : ",readrec)



except EOFError:



 Also check create binary file with name and roll no.

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